Baltimore Partner Cy Smith Featured in CRO Cover Story
Cy Smith, a partner in the Baltimore office of Zuckerman Spaeder LLP, is featured in the cover story of the November/December issue of Corporate Responsibility Officer(CRO) magazine in an article about the National Football League's (NFL) retirement and pension program. Smith was quoted in regards to the NFL Players Association's (NFLPA) proposed takeover of the retirement board. Nothing in ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) would stop the union from naming a doctor, or a retired player without ties to the NFLPA executive director to the board.... I believe, and many others believe, that retirement board members who did not answer to Upshaw would make better decisions on retirement and disability claims.
Smith has been actively involved in this issue since he won the first-ever lawsuit against the NFL pension plans for the estate of Mike Webster, the ex-Steelers great, who suffered brain damage as a result of multiple concussions. The victory in that case paved the way for public, media, and now federal legislative scrutiny of the pension plans and the fact that they pay disability benefits to few retired players, and in many cases those benefits are insufficient. The Webster case has also focused public and medical attention on the recurring problem of concussions in pro football and other sports. Smith testified on this subject on June 26, 2007, before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, and has appeared on HBO and ESPN to discuss the Webster case and its implications for reform of the NFL's disability pension system.
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